CT-4008Tn/Q-5V6A-S1 Checking power supply and replacing fuses

Latest updated: Jun 07, 2024

The laboratory experienced an unexpected power outage, resulting in the equipment being unable to start.


1. Checking the power supply

Turn on the equipment switch and check whether the screen shows the tester number and whether the channel indicator flashes from left to right. If the above signals are not displayed, check whether the 110V AC power supply to the power supply terminals is normal.

First, turn off the device, disconnect the power cord at the device end only, and set the multimeter to AC voltage. Insert the red and black pens of the multimeter into the power cord connector. Check whether the multimeter reading is about 110V. Note: When using a multimeter to test the voltage at the device's power supply terminal, please confirm and adhere to the local standard voltage values: for example, it is commonly 110-120V AC in the United States, but it may vary in other regions. Ensure accurate measurement and pay attention to safety. If it shows about 110V, the front-end power supply abnormality can be ruled out.

2. Checking fuses

Use tools to gently pry the lower end of the power connector on the back of the device to remove the fuse(and spare fuse). The multimeter will be set to resistance, the normal fuse for the conductive state, measurement of the beeping sound. Fuse resistance is infinite, indicating that the fuse has blown, the spare fuse can be removed and replaced.

Re-measure the fuse resistance, the resistance value is very small, indicating that the fuse is normal. Reinstall the replaced fuse back to the original position.

3. Powering up of equipment

Turn on the power at the device end and turn the device on, you can see the channel indicator flashing from left to right, and the lower computer screen shows the device box number. The equipment is back to normal.

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